All Natural Solution for Jock Itch
Naturasil Jock Value Pak works by treating the fungus that causes jock itch. Treatment begins with a thorough cleansing of the area effected by the jock itch fungus with Naturasil Sulfur-Lavender Soap. After cleaning and completely drying the area, Naturasil for Jock Itch is applied. Both products have been formulated to treat jock itch seperately, but when used together your healing time will be much quicker.
Benefits of Naturasil Jock Itch Value Pack
All of our products are made from all natural essential oils. Many drug treatments such as Lamisil??, are very expensive and can cause liver and kidney damage in some patients.. At Naturasil, you will only find all-natural ingredients without the harsh side effects or high costs often found in traditional treatments.